# RELEASE NOTES ## spatstat 1.49-0 ### 08 February 2017 We thank Tilman Davies, Kassel Hingee, Abdollah Jalilian, Brian Ripley and Dominic Schuhmacher for contributions. ### OVERVIEW * spatstat now 'Suggests' the package 'fftwtools'. * Operations on signed measures. * Operations on lists of pixel images. * Improved pixellation of point patterns. * Stieltjes integral extended. * Subset operators extended. * Greatly accelerated 'rmh' when using 'nsave' * Some computations accelerated. * Size of namespace reduced, for efficiency. * Bug fixes. * Version nickname: 'So-Called Software' ### NEW DEPENDENCIES * fftwtools spatstat now 'Suggests' the package 'fftwtools'. This package provides a very fast implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform, leading to much faster computation in the spatstat functions 'density.ppp', 'relrisk.ppp', 'convolve.im', 'blur', 'scan.test' and many other functions. The 'fftwtools' package requires the external software library 'fftw'. We strongly recommend installing this library if possible. ### NEW FUNCTIONS * hexagon, regularpolygon Create regular polygons. * Ops.msr Arithmetic operations for measures. * Math.imlist, Ops.imlist, Summary.imlist, Complex.imlist Arithmetic operations for lists of pixel images. * measurePositive, measureNegative, measureVariation, totalVariation Positive and negative parts of a measure, and variation of a measure. * as.function.owin Convert a spatial window to a function (x,y), the indicator function. * as.function.ssf Convert an object of class 'ssf' to a function(x,y) * as.function.leverage.ppm Convert an object of class 'leverage.ppm' to a function(x,y) ### SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES * stieltjes Argument 'M' can be a stepfun object (such as an empirical CDF). * quantile.ewcdf The function is now normalised to the range [0,1] before the quantiles are computed. This can be suppressed by setting normalise=FALSE. * pixellate.ppp New arguments 'fractional' and 'preserve' for more accurate discretisation. * "[.layered" Subset index i can now be an 'owin' object. * "[.solist" Subset index i can now be an 'owin' object. * plot.solist, plot.imlist, plot.anylist Result is now an (invisible) list containing the result from executing the plot of each panel. * ppp New argument 'checkdup'. * Summary.im Argument 'na.rm' is no longer ignored. * cdf.test The methods for classes ppp, ppm, lpp, lppm, slrm have a new argument 'interpolate'. * as.solist The argument x can now be a spatial object; as.solist(cells) is the same as solist(cells). * bw.diggle, bw.ppl, bw.relrisk, bw.smoothppp These functions now extract and store the name of the unit of length from the point pattern dataset. When the bandwidth selection criterion is plotted, the name of the unit of length is shown on the x-axis. * polynom This function now has a help file. * rmhcontrol New parameter 'pstage' determines when to generate random proposal points. * rmh Accelerated, in the case where multiple patterns are saved using 'nsave'. * bdist.pixels Accelerated for polygonal windows. New argument 'method'. * spatstat namespace The namespace of the spatstat package has been shortened (by internally registering the native routines) which should make the package run faster. * sum.im, range.im, max.im, min.im These functions have been removed, as they are now subsumed in Summary.im. ### BUG FIXES 1. plot.msr If one of 'nrows' or 'ncols' was specified, but not both, an obscure error occurred. Fixed. 2. plot.solist, plot.imlist, plot.anylist Crashed if 'nrows' and 'ncols' were given values implying that some rows or columns would not contain any plots. Fixed. 3. as.ppp.lpp Crashed if there was more than one column of marks. Fixed. 4. has.close.pp3 Results were incorrect, or a crash occurred, when argument 'Y' was given. Fixed. 5. rmpoispp If 'lambda' was a list of images, 'names(lambda)' was ignored, rather than serving as the default value of 'types'. Fixed. 6. bugfixes Output was garbled, in rare cases. Fixed. 7. kppm Result was malformed when clusters="VarGamma" and method="clik2". Spotted by Abdollah Jalilian. Fixed. 8. QQversion Plotting labels were malformed. Fixed.